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Specialization schools

The Specialisation Schools are 'post lauream' university courses which aim to train specialists. At the end of the training course, a diploma in the chosen field is awarded.

Doctors have access to the medical schools in a programmed number. To be admitted to a Specialisation Schools you must hold a degree in medicine and surgery, with the obligation to obtain a qualification for the profession of medical surgeon by the date on which the teaching activities begin, and pass a an admission selection held annually by MUR.

To be admitted to the Specialisation Schools for legal professions (useful especially for access to the professions of magistrate, lawyer and notary) it is necessary to pass a public annual selection that takes place in the Universities. The selection can be attended by  those who have obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Law or a Master’s in Law.

Access to the medical area Specialisation schools (reserved for non-doctors), to the Department of Veterinary area, to the Cultural and Psychological Heritage area is managed locally by individual Universities pursuant to D.P.R. 10 March 1982 n. 162.

Specialisation schools belonging to the Department of Translational and Precision Medicine are: