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The Specialisation School of Hematology is diretta by Prof. Maurizio Martelli.

Access to the school is regulated by an annual National Competition and the number of places available is determined by MIUR (Ministry of Education, University and Research). For the academic years 2014/2015 and 2015/2016, our Centre has been allocated 10 places, the highest number among all the Schools of Specialization in Hematology present in Italy.

The duration of the school is 4 years. The school includes three locations:


-Section of Hematology, Via Benevento 6 - Rome (8 places)

-Division of Hematology, Hospital S. Maria Goretti - Latina (1 place)

-Division of Hematology, Hospital S. Andrea - Rome (1 place)


In addition to following the educational activities, the residents are involved in the care activities of the Center with rotations between the various departments, clinics, laboratories and the Emergency Hematological.


The specific training objectives of the School include:

  • the acquisition of fundamental theoretical and technical knowledge necessary for epidemiological evaluation, prevention, diagnosis, prognosis and therapy of blood diseases and the hemi-infopoietic system (neoplastic and non-neoplastic) in adult and paediatric age, as well as their application to clinical practice in transfusion medicine; 

  • theoretical and clinical knowledge of the use of bone marrow transplantation and hematopoietic stem cells (allogeneic and autologous), and approach to cell therapies; 

  • knowledge of the role and impact of laboratory activities for modern clinical management of the haematological patient in terms of accurate diagnosis, prognostic stratification and disease monitoring;

  • Knowledge of the use of targeted and personalized therapies in clinical practice.


At the end of the Specialisation School in Hematology, young specialists will be able to address the various problems of a hematological patient with neoplastic and non-neoplastic pathologies, from diagnosis to therapy, to understand the importance and clinical impact of scientific research for an increasingly modern and personalized clinical management of the hematological patient.


To pass the years following the first, it is necessary to pass an annual examination, according to the procedures established by the Study Plan and the School’s Authorising Committee.


Over the years, the Section of Hematology has also welcomed residents from other Italian universities to undertake a period of training.