Top-level heading




The Department is led by the Director, who represents the structure for all legal purposes and guarantees autonomy and cultural unity. In order to to fulfill its institutional duties, the Department has organisational and administrative autonomy regardin all expenditure as well as contractual and conventional measures which concerning it directly, with regard both public and private entities, in compliance with current legislation and excluding administrative measures of a general nature or those which are related to issues reserved for other bodies as per the Statute of Sapienza.

The Director is assisted in the management of the Department’s activities by Delegated Administrative Manager, who as head of Administration, coordinates administration and accounts and is responsible, alongside the Director, for resulting decisions.



The Department bodies are: Director, Council, Department Board.

The Department Director is endowed with the powers of law and representation, and is elected by the members of the Department Board among full-time tenured professors and lasts in office for three years.



The Council is composed of:

  • all the professors of the department of Translational and Precision Medicine;

  • all researchers, including those with fixed term contracts, belonging to the Department;

  • Delegated Administrative Manager, as secretary;

  • representatives of the technical-administrative staff in number not less than 15% of the teaching staff;

  • an equal number of students' representatives according to the procedures established by the Department’s Regulations.


Up to three representatives of the scholarships/ research grants/ multi-annual research contracts holders operating in the department may also participate in the Department Council with voting rights.



The Director presides over the Department Board which is composed of of two representatives for each of the following categories:

  • full professors;
  • associate professors; 
  • researchers;
  • administrative staff and students, elected among those who are members of the Board. Delegated Administrative Manager is a member of the Board too, as secretary.


Department Board has, in any case, consultation functions on all matters within the competence of the Council.